Copies of e-mails obtained by the Friday Fax reveal some of the world's leading pro-abortion advocates gloating over their powerful influence on a recent European Community committee ruling.
E-mail comments from officials with International Planned Parenthood, Catholics for a Free Choice and the Center for Reproductive Rights concerned a 40-page opinion from the EU Network of Independent Experts on Fundamental Rights. The opinion was critical of a proposed treaty between the Vatican and Slovakia which would provide strong protection for medical professionals who to refuse to participate in abortions and other morally objectionable procedures because of their faith.
In one e-mail Irene Donadio of International Planned Parenthood wrote, "The Conclusions reflect all the arguments presented by the SRHR [sexual and reproductive health and rights] community!!!! [sic]" Donadio especially praised the work of the Center for Reproductive Rights. "The Center for Reproductive Rights has done a marvellous [sic] job to support the work of the network of independent experts and it has been quoted in the study." CRR, a non-governmental organization of pro-abortion lawyers, was approvingly cited three times in the EU report, illustrating the close relationship between the EU and radical NGOs. In fact the report included as an appendix a legal brief by CRR arguing against Poland's abortion laws.
In a response to Donadio's e-mail, Christina Zampas of CRR highlighted the work of other NGOs in the ruling. "I just want to add that two other NGOs played a significant role in impacting this report by providing information to the Network and to the EU as whole on this issue: Slovakia Pro-Choice and Catholics for a Free Choice." Donadio responded by apologizing for not recognizing the work of the two groups and remarked that they "did an impressive and wonderful work and it is especially thank to you [sic] efforts that the European Parliament decided to take actions!!!"
On their website CRR claimed the decision "relied extensively on the Center's analysis of the human rights dimensions of conscientious objection. It concluded that EU member states have an obligation under international human rights law to regulate providers' invocation of conscientious objection so as to ensure that no woman is deprived of an abortion in circumstances where the procedure is legal."
They noted that interest in the limiting conscientious objection "arose from advocacy efforts at the European Parliament, led by Pro-Choice Slovakia and Catholics for a Free Choice, aimed at curbing the Slovak Republic's pending concordant with the Holy See on conscientious objection, the most extensive concordant with a European country on this subject to date."
The ruling by the EU Committee has no force in law but can be used by abortion advocates in their ongoing political war to force the acceptance of unfettered abortion.
(This article courtesy of The Fact
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